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パソコン タブレット

[本・音楽] パソコン タブレットの商品検索結果

  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアTablets【電子書籍】[ Amos Bronson Alcott ]
    Tablets【電子書籍】[ Amos Bronson Alcott ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Amos Bronson Alcott (November 29, 1799 ? March 4, 1888) was an American teacher, writer, philosopher, and reformer. As an educator, Alcott pioneered new ways of interacting with young students, focusing on a conversational style, and avoided traditional punishment. He hoped to perfect the human spirit and, to that end, advocated a vegan diet before the term was coined. He was also an abolitionist and an advocate for women's rights.</p> <p>Born in Connecticut in 1799, Alcott had only minimal formal schooling before attempting a career as a traveling salesman. Worried about how the itinerant life might negatively impact his soul, he turned to teaching. His innovative methods, however, were controversial, and he rarely stayed in one place very long. His most well-known teaching position was at the Temple School in Boston. His experience there was turned into two books: Records of a School and Conversations with Children on the Gospels. Alcott became friends with Ralph Waldo Emerson, and became a major figure in transcendentalism. His writings on behalf of that movement, however, are heavily criticized for being incoherent. Based on his ideas for human perfection, Alcott founded Fruitlands, a transcendentalist experiment in community living. The project was short-lived and failed after seven months. Alcott continued to struggle financially for most of his life. Nevertheless, he continued focusing on educational projects and opened a new school at the end of his life in 1879. He died in 1888.</p> <p>Alcott married Abby May in 1830 and they eventually had four surviving children, all daughters. Their second was Louisa May, who fictionalized her experience with the family in her novel Little Women in 1868. Alcott is often criticized for his inability to earn a living and support his family; he often relied on loans from others, including his brother-in-law and Emerson. He was never financially secure until his daughter became a best-selling novelist.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p>Amos Bronson Alcott (November 29, 1799 ? March 4, 1888) was an American teacher, writer, philosopher, and reformer. As an educator, Alcott pioneered new ways of interacting with young students, focusing on a conversational style, and avoided traditional punishment. He hoped to perfect the human spirit and, to that end, advocated a vegan diet before the term was coined. He was also an abolitionist and an advocate for women's rights.</p> <p>Born in Connecticut in 1799, Alcott had only minimal formal schooling before attempting a career as a traveling salesman. Worried about how the itinerant life might negatively impact his soul, he turned to teaching. His innovative methods, however, were controversial, and he rarely stayed in one place very long. His most well-known teaching position was at the Temple School in Boston. His experience there was turned into two books: Records of a School and Conversations with Children on the Gospels. Alcott became friends with Ralph Waldo Emerson, and became a major figure in transcendentalism. His writings on behalf of that movement, however, are heavily criticized for being incoherent. Based on his ideas for human perfection, Alcott founded Fruitlands, a transcendentalist experiment in community living. The project was short-lived and failed after seven months. Alcott continued to struggle financially for most of his life. Nevertheless, he continued focusing on educational projects and opened a new school at the end of his life in 1879. He died in 1888.</p> <p>Alcott married Abby May in 1830 and they eventually had four surviving children, all daughters. Their second was Louisa May, who fictionalized her experience with the family in her novel Little Women in 1868. Alcott is often criticized for his inability to earn a living and support his family; he often relied on loans from others, including his brother-in-law and Emerson. He was never financially secure until his daughter became a best-selling novelist.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。

  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアEnuma Elis The Seven Tablets of Creation【電子書籍】[ Leonard King ]
    Enuma Elis The Seven Tablets of Creation【電子書籍】[ Leonard King ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>King's Enuma Elis: The Seven Tablets of Creation is an amazing translation of the Babylonian creation myth.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p>King's Enuma Elis: The Seven Tablets of Creation is an amazing translation of the Babylonian creation myth.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。

  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアTHE EMERALD TABLETS OF THOTH THE ATLANTEAN【電子書籍】[ Thoth The Atlantean ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>The history of the tablets translated in the following pages is strange and beyond modern scientists' comprehension. Their age is astounding, dating back 36,000 years B.C. Thoth is an Atlantean Priest-King who established a colony in ancient Egypt after the mother country was sunk. He was the builder of the Great Pyramid of Giza, which has been incorrectly attributed to Cheops. He included his knowledge of ancient wisdom as well as securely hidden records and instruments from ancient Atlantis.</p> <p>From approximately 50,000 B.C. to 36.000 B.C., he ruled the ancient race of Egypt for approximately 16,000 years. The ancient barbarous race among which he and his followers had settled had advanced to a high level of civilization at the time. Thoth was immortal, that is, he had defeated death, passing only when he wished and not through death. His vast knowledge elevated him to the throne of the various Atlantean colonies, including those in South and Central America.</p> <p>When the time came for him to leave Egypt, he built the Great Pyramid over the entrance to the Great Halls of Amenti, placed his records inside, and appointed guards from among the highest of his people to guard his secrets. The descendants of these guards later became the pyramid priests, through whom Thoth was deified as the God of Wisdom, The Recorder, by those living in the age of darkness that followed his death. The halls of Amenti were transformed into the underworld, the Halls of the Gods, where the soul passed after death for judgment.</p> <p>The ego of Thoth passed into the bodies of men in later ages, as described in the tablets. As a result, he incarnated three times, the last time as Hermes, the thrice-born. In this incarnation, he left the Emerald Tablets, a later and far less complete exposition of the ancient mysteries.</p> <p>The ten tablets translated in this work were left in the custody of the pyramid priests in the Great Pyramid. To make things easier, the ten are divided into thirteen sections. The last two are so significant and far-reaching that their release to the general public is currently prohibited. However, there are secrets contained herein that will be invaluable to the serious student. They should be read a hundred times because only by doing so will the true meaning be revealed. A casual reading will provide glimpses of beauty, but more intensive study will open doors to the seeker's wisdom. The wisdom contained herein is the foundation of the ancient mysteries, and the reader who reads with open eyes and mind will have his wisdom multiplied a hundredfold.</p> <p>Read. Whether you believe it or not, reading will awaken a response in your soul.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p>The history of the tablets translated in the following pages is strange and beyond modern scientists' comprehension. Their age is astounding, dating back 36,000 years B.C. Thoth is an Atlantean Priest-King who established a colony in ancient Egypt after the mother country was sunk. He was the builder of the Great Pyramid of Giza, which has been incorrectly attributed to Cheops. He included his knowledge of ancient wisdom as well as securely hidden records and instruments from ancient Atlantis.</p> <p>From approximately 50,000 B.C. to 36.000 B.C., he ruled the ancient race of Egypt for approximately 16,000 years. The ancient barbarous race among which he and his followers had settled had advanced to a high level of civilization at the time. Thoth was immortal, that is, he had defeated death, passing only when he wished and not through death. His vast knowledge elevated him to the throne of the various Atlantean colonies, including those in South and Central America.</p> <p>When the time came for him to leave Egypt, he built the Great Pyramid over the entrance to the Great Halls of Amenti, placed his records inside, and appointed guards from among the highest of his people to guard his secrets. The descendants of these guards later became the pyramid priests, through whom Thoth was deified as the God of Wisdom, The Recorder, by those living in the age of darkness that followed his death. The halls of Amenti were transformed into the underworld, the Halls of the Gods, where the soul passed after death for judgment.</p> <p>The ego of Thoth passed into the bodies of men in later ages, as described in the tablets. As a result, he incarnated three times, the last time as Hermes, the thrice-born. In this incarnation, he left the Emerald Tablets, a later and far less complete exposition of the ancient mysteries.</p> <p>The ten tablets translated in this work were left in the custody of the pyramid priests in the Great Pyramid. To make things easier, the ten are divided into thirteen sections. The last two are so significant and far-reaching that their release to the general public is currently prohibited. However, there are secrets contained herein that will be invaluable to the serious student. They should be read a hundred times because only by doing so will the true meaning be revealed. A casual reading will provide glimpses of beauty, but more intensive study will open doors to the seeker's wisdom. The wisdom contained herein is the foundation of the ancient mysteries, and the reader who reads with open eyes and mind will have his wisdom multiplied a hundredfold.</p> <p>Read. Whether you believe it or not, reading will awaken a response in your soul.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。

  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアDie Katastrophe der digitalen Bildung Warum Tablets Sch?ler nicht kl?ger machen - und Menschen die besseren Lehrer sind【電子書籍】[ Ingo Leipner ]
    Die Katastrophe der digitalen Bildung Warum Tablets Sch?ler nicht kl?ger machen - und Menschen die besseren Lehrer sind【電子書籍】[ Ingo Leipner ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>SILICON VALLEY: WARUM DIE TECH-ELITE IHRE KINDER AUF DIE WALDORFSCHULE SCHICKT Die Coronakrise zwang Sch?lerinnen und Sch?ler ins 'Homeschooling'. Online-Lernen schien das Gebot der Stunde zu sein. Doch lernschwache Kinder wurden dabei benachteiligt und selbst viele ?ltere Sch?ler scheiterten am eigenst?ndigen Lernen. Und: Ein Gros der Eltern geriet massiv unter Druck, Heimschule und Beruf unter einen Hut zu bringen. Gleichzeitig schossen die Bildschirmzeiten in die H?he - nicht nur f?r schulische Zwecke, sondern f?r Computerspiele und soziale Medien. Gibt es in Deutschland einfach zu wenig Tablets und Online-Angebote f?r Sch?ler? Vielleicht ... Doch die Ursachen der digitalen Bildungsmisere liegen tiefer. Selbst die ≫beste aller Digitalwelten≪ kann keine zugewandten und inspirierenden Lehrer ersetzen! Menschen lernen am besten vom Menschen, ohne Computer. Im Silicon Valley wurde das bereits verstanden. Ingo Leipner zeigt, wie sehr die Debatte ?ber digitale Bildung ein Holzweg ist - und das sogar in Zeiten einer Pandemie.</p> <p>Ingo Leipner, Diplom-Volkswirt und Wirtschaftsjournalist, ist Autor kritischer B?cher zur Digitalisierung der Gesellschaft. Er ist auch ein gefragter Referent in Sachen Digital-Kritik und leitet seine eigene Textagentur Ecowords. Von ihm sind bereits ≫Die L?ge der digitalen Bildung≪ und ≫Verschw?rungstheorien≪ im Redline Verlag erschienen.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p>SILICON VALLEY: WARUM DIE TECH-ELITE IHRE KINDER AUF DIE WALDORFSCHULE SCHICKT Die Coronakrise zwang Sch?lerinnen und Sch?ler ins 'Homeschooling'. Online-Lernen schien das Gebot der Stunde zu sein. Doch lernschwache Kinder wurden dabei benachteiligt und selbst viele ?ltere Sch?ler scheiterten am eigenst?ndigen Lernen. Und: Ein Gros der Eltern geriet massiv unter Druck, Heimschule und Beruf unter einen Hut zu bringen. Gleichzeitig schossen die Bildschirmzeiten in die H?he - nicht nur f?r schulische Zwecke, sondern f?r Computerspiele und soziale Medien. Gibt es in Deutschland einfach zu wenig Tablets und Online-Angebote f?r Sch?ler? Vielleicht ... Doch die Ursachen der digitalen Bildungsmisere liegen tiefer. Selbst die ≫beste aller Digitalwelten≪ kann keine zugewandten und inspirierenden Lehrer ersetzen! Menschen lernen am besten vom Menschen, ohne Computer. Im Silicon Valley wurde das bereits verstanden. Ingo Leipner zeigt, wie sehr die Debatte ?ber digitale Bildung ein Holzweg ist - und das sogar in Zeiten einer Pandemie.</p> <p>Ingo Leipner, Diplom-Volkswirt und Wirtschaftsjournalist, ist Autor kritischer B?cher zur Digitalisierung der Gesellschaft. Er ist auch ein gefragter Referent in Sachen Digital-Kritik und leitet seine eigene Textagentur Ecowords. Von ihm sind bereits ≫Die L?ge der digitalen Bildung≪ und ≫Verschw?rungstheorien≪ im Redline Verlag erschienen.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。

  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアSamsung Galaxy Tab S For Seniors: A Ridiculously Simple Guide to the Next Generation of Samsung Galaxy Tablets【電子書籍】[ Scott La Counte ]
    Samsung Galaxy Tab S For Seniors: A Ridiculously Simple Guide to the Next Generation of Samsung Galaxy Tablets【電子書籍】[ Scott La Counte ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p><strong>★★★ You got a Galaxy! Where's the manual?! ★★★</strong></p> <p><em>The Galaxy is a powerful tablet. I'm sure you are excited to get the most out of it. But what if your all new to this tablet thing? Or maybe you've used tablets before, but not one made by Samsung-the iPad, for instance. This guide has you covered!</em></p> <p>If you are looking for something comprehensive--that tells you how to side load apps and do things the average person who never do, then keep looking. But if you need something that will help you get started, then read on!</p> <p>Inside, you'll learn about:</p> <ul> <li>What makes Galaxy different from iOS, Android, and other smartphones</li> <li>Setting up your tablet</li> <li>Installing apps</li> <li>Accessibility features</li> <li>Using the camera</li> <li>Surfing the Internet</li> <li>Changing system settings</li> <li>And much more!</li> </ul> <p>NOTE: This guide is not endorsed by Samsung and should be considered unofficial. It is based off of the "The Ridiculously Simple Guide to Samsung Tab" but has bonus content.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p><strong>★★★ You got a Galaxy! Where's the manual?! ★★★</strong></p> <p><em>The Galaxy is a powerful tablet. I'm sure you are excited to get the most out of it. But what if your all new to this tablet thing? Or maybe you've used tablets before, but not one made by Samsung-the iPad, for instance. This guide has you covered!</em></p> <p>If you are looking for something comprehensive--that tells you how to side load apps and do things the average person who never do, then keep looking. But if you need something that will help you get started, then read on!</p> <p>Inside, you'll learn about:</p> <ul> <li>What makes Galaxy different from iOS, Android, and other smartphones</li> <li>Setting up your tablet</li> <li>Installing apps</li> <li>Accessibility features</li> <li>Using the camera</li> <li>Surfing the Internet</li> <li>Changing system settings</li> <li>And much more!</li> </ul> <p>NOTE: This guide is not endorsed by Samsung and should be considered unofficial. It is based off of the "The Ridiculously Simple Guide to Samsung Tab" but has bonus content.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。

  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアTablets of the Heart An Anthology of Student Writings and Creations【電子書籍】[ Christian Authors Club ]
    Tablets of the Heart An Anthology of Student Writings and Creations【電子書籍】[ Christian Authors Club ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Dive into the Tables of the Heart, an anthology filled with a wide variety of stories and poems created by high school students. Over a span of two years, these teen authors pulled their best works together to share their voices and passions with the world, for the glory of God. This literary collection has a diverse range of genres, time periods and settings, each deriving itself from the creative minds of the authors/ from romance to suspense to humor, from the plains of the Midwest to a kingdom in the sky, you will visit the writers worlds, both real and imagined. Be engulfed by the creative artwork of the Christian Authors Club illustrator, whose works portray the themes and thoughts of several of the selections. Be enthralled by the wit, the charm, the thrill, and the truth within Tablets of the Heart, and enjoy an anthology that promises to be like no other.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p>Dive into the Tables of the Heart, an anthology filled with a wide variety of stories and poems created by high school students. Over a span of two years, these teen authors pulled their best works together to share their voices and passions with the world, for the glory of God. This literary collection has a diverse range of genres, time periods and settings, each deriving itself from the creative minds of the authors/ from romance to suspense to humor, from the plains of the Midwest to a kingdom in the sky, you will visit the writers worlds, both real and imagined. Be engulfed by the creative artwork of the Christian Authors Club illustrator, whose works portray the themes and thoughts of several of the selections. Be enthralled by the wit, the charm, the thrill, and the truth within Tablets of the Heart, and enjoy an anthology that promises to be like no other.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。

  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアThe Tablets of My Heart
    The Tablets of My Heart "A Reminder to Remember"【電子書籍】[ Anna Darby Asher ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Remembering to rely upon our Fatherremembering to find answers and solace in the Word is something we instantaneously turn to when bombarded with hopeless situations. Wait...or do we? I dont alwaysincredibly I dont always. I get so focused on the problem I do need a reminder to remember to refocus on truth.</p> <p>Tablets are memories of Gods faithfulness in my life. Memories of how He stretched down to reach me, teach me...rescue me. There are no deeply intellectual-spiritual concepts introduced...just reminders of how incredible is our God...truths from my yesterdays that I draw strength from today, building faith to walk out my tomorrows.</p> <p>If God does the incredible for one...He does for all. I firmly believe that I was chosen to share this simple...yet dynamic concept because I am in the worst of the worst to need it. This instruction from<br /> God was introduced early in the Old Testament when man began the grumbling that led to faithlessness. The growing madness in our world distracts, depresses, and dissuades remembering Whose we are. A revival of the use of a reminder to remember is imperative within the body of Christ today!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p>Remembering to rely upon our Fatherremembering to find answers and solace in the Word is something we instantaneously turn to when bombarded with hopeless situations. Wait...or do we? I dont alwaysincredibly I dont always. I get so focused on the problem I do need a reminder to remember to refocus on truth.</p> <p>Tablets are memories of Gods faithfulness in my life. Memories of how He stretched down to reach me, teach me...rescue me. There are no deeply intellectual-spiritual concepts introduced...just reminders of how incredible is our God...truths from my yesterdays that I draw strength from today, building faith to walk out my tomorrows.</p> <p>If God does the incredible for one...He does for all. I firmly believe that I was chosen to share this simple...yet dynamic concept because I am in the worst of the worst to need it. This instruction from<br /> God was introduced early in the Old Testament when man began the grumbling that led to faithlessness. The growing madness in our world distracts, depresses, and dissuades remembering Whose we are. A revival of the use of a reminder to remember is imperative within the body of Christ today!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。

  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアThe Twelve Tablets【電子書籍】[ ed. DavidTJones ]
    The Twelve Tablets【電子書籍】[ ed. DavidTJones ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】The deep desert is a vast wasteland, thousands of miles of shifting sands and blowing winds. Ancient obelisks are discovered leading to the forgotten temple of the Goddess Narine. The reading of the Twelve Tablets brings forth the mystical Lady Mist, but also releases a powerful evil. All the people of the eastern and deep desert are in peril. Those possessed by the evil must be stopped before it can be brought back into balance. A monumental task lies before them.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    The deep desert is a vast wasteland, thousands of miles of shifting sands and blowing winds. Ancient obelisks are discovered leading to the forgotten temple of the Goddess Narine. The reading of the Twelve Tablets brings forth the mystical Lady Mist, but also releases a powerful evil. All the people of the eastern and deep desert are in peril. Those possessed by the evil must be stopped before it can be brought back into balance. A monumental task lies before them.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。

  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアKindle Fire HD HDX 8 & 10 Rooting Guide Amazon Software, Apps, Tools, Tips Guide for Kindle Devices Phones & Tablets【電子書籍】[ Bob Technorati ]
    Kindle Fire HD HDX 8 & 10 Rooting Guide Amazon Software, Apps, Tools, Tips Guide for Kindle Devices Phones & Tablets【電子書籍】[ Bob Technorati ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>A Step by Step Guide on How to Root Kindle Devices</p> <p>If not the best feature of the Kindle devices is the ability to root them. This will allow you to get access to any content that you want such as TV Shows, Apps, Music, and Movies.</p> <p>Heres what you'll get:</p> <p>-Works for any Kindle Device<br /> -About Rooting<br /> -How to Root your Kindle<br /> -Troubleshoot Issues<br /> -How to Add Google Play<br /> -Enjoy access to Apps, Movies, Music, and TV Shows</p> <p>--> Scroll to the top of the page and click add to cart to purchase instantly <--</p> <p>Disclaimer:</p> <p>This author and or rights owner(s) make no claims, promises, or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the contents of this book, and expressly disclaims liability for errors and omissions in the contents within. This product is for reference use only.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p>A Step by Step Guide on How to Root Kindle Devices</p> <p>If not the best feature of the Kindle devices is the ability to root them. This will allow you to get access to any content that you want such as TV Shows, Apps, Music, and Movies.</p> <p>Heres what you'll get:</p> <p>-Works for any Kindle Device<br /> -About Rooting<br /> -How to Root your Kindle<br /> -Troubleshoot Issues<br /> -How to Add Google Play<br /> -Enjoy access to Apps, Movies, Music, and TV Shows</p> <p>--> Scroll to the top of the page and click add to cart to purchase instantly <--</p> <p>Disclaimer:</p> <p>This author and or rights owner(s) make no claims, promises, or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the contents of this book, and expressly disclaims liability for errors and omissions in the contents within. This product is for reference use only.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。

  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアEchoes of Atlantis Unveiling the Secrets of the Emerald Tablets【電子書籍】[ Jaxon Asher ]
    Echoes of Atlantis Unveiling the Secrets of the Emerald Tablets【電子書籍】[ Jaxon Asher ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Dive into the depths of ancient mysteries with "Echoes of Atlantis." This captivating book takes you on a thrilling journey through history, mythology, and esoteric wisdom, unraveling the enigmatic tales that have fascinated humanity for generations.</p> <p>Explore the origins, descriptions, and theories surrounding the legendary island of Atlantis, a civilization lost to time, and ponder its significance in the grand tapestry of human history and philosophy. Delve into Plato's account of Atlantis and uncover its enduring impact on our understanding of the ancient world.</p> <p>But the adventure doesn't stop there. "Echoes of Atlantis" invites you to decipher the teachings encapsulated within the Emerald Tablets, said to hold the wisdom of Thoth the Atlantean. Explore concepts like transmutation, vibration, and the Law of One, and contemplate their relevance in contemporary spirituality, science, and philosophy.</p> <p>This book is a treasure trove for those who seek the profound connections that bind the mysteries of Atlantis and the timeless teachings of the Emerald Tablets to our modern world. It's an intellectual and spiritual odyssey that celebrates human curiosity and the unending quest for knowledge.</p> <p>Join us as we unravel the secrets of Atlantis and embark on a voyage of discovery through the profound teachings that have shaped our understanding of history, civilization, and the human spirit. "Echoes of Atlantis" awaits, inviting you to chart a course through the enigmas that have captivated the human imagination for millennia.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p>Dive into the depths of ancient mysteries with "Echoes of Atlantis." This captivating book takes you on a thrilling journey through history, mythology, and esoteric wisdom, unraveling the enigmatic tales that have fascinated humanity for generations.</p> <p>Explore the origins, descriptions, and theories surrounding the legendary island of Atlantis, a civilization lost to time, and ponder its significance in the grand tapestry of human history and philosophy. Delve into Plato's account of Atlantis and uncover its enduring impact on our understanding of the ancient world.</p> <p>But the adventure doesn't stop there. "Echoes of Atlantis" invites you to decipher the teachings encapsulated within the Emerald Tablets, said to hold the wisdom of Thoth the Atlantean. Explore concepts like transmutation, vibration, and the Law of One, and contemplate their relevance in contemporary spirituality, science, and philosophy.</p> <p>This book is a treasure trove for those who seek the profound connections that bind the mysteries of Atlantis and the timeless teachings of the Emerald Tablets to our modern world. It's an intellectual and spiritual odyssey that celebrates human curiosity and the unending quest for knowledge.</p> <p>Join us as we unravel the secrets of Atlantis and embark on a voyage of discovery through the profound teachings that have shaped our understanding of history, civilization, and the human spirit. "Echoes of Atlantis" awaits, inviting you to chart a course through the enigmas that have captivated the human imagination for millennia.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。

  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアThe Seven Tablets of Creation【電子書籍】[ Leonard William King ]
    The Seven Tablets of Creation【電子書籍】[ Leonard William King ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>The Seven Tablets Of Creation contains the Enuma Elish which is the earliest written creation myth. It describes how the creation of the universe came about when Marduk battled the chaos Goddess Tiamat and her evil servants. This ancient text is considered by scholars to be the primary source material for the book of Genesis.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p>The Seven Tablets Of Creation contains the Enuma Elish which is the earliest written creation myth. It describes how the creation of the universe came about when Marduk battled the chaos Goddess Tiamat and her evil servants. This ancient text is considered by scholars to be the primary source material for the book of Genesis.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。

  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアThe Ten Commandments What Two Tablets Reveal about the Life of the Spirit and the Way Toward God【電子書籍】[ Peter Zelinski ]
    The Ten Commandments What Two Tablets Reveal about the Life of the Spirit and the Way Toward God【電子書籍】[ Peter Zelinski ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>How much did God give to Moses when he gave him the Ten Commandments? In this fresh and fascinating look at the text that was inscribed on two tablets, Christian author Peter Zelinski (www.peterzelinski.com) finds meaning that is richer than just a list of rules. The Ten Commandments also can be seen as a map, Zelinski says. The details and structure of the biblical verses chart spiritual principles basic to our lives, and describe the steps in a progression aimed at drawing the heart nearer to God.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p>How much did God give to Moses when he gave him the Ten Commandments? In this fresh and fascinating look at the text that was inscribed on two tablets, Christian author Peter Zelinski (www.peterzelinski.com) finds meaning that is richer than just a list of rules. The Ten Commandments also can be seen as a map, Zelinski says. The details and structure of the biblical verses chart spiritual principles basic to our lives, and describe the steps in a progression aimed at drawing the heart nearer to God.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。

  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアThe Amber Tablets【電子書籍】[ Andrea Kon ]
    The Amber Tablets【電子書籍】[ Andrea Kon ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Three tiny pieces of amber as small as medicinal tablets, one the colour of clear honey with a fly petrified at its centre; one dark as treacle toffee; and one delicately carved into the shape of an eagle’s talon. Inside the freezing Amber Room, 150 slave labourers, including Simeon Karminsky are tasked with dismantling the world-famous mosaic panels for shipment from Leningrad to the Baltic. While his fearful fellow labourers and their guards are mesmerised in horror as one of their number is lashed to death for trying to steal a single piece of the amber mosaic, Karminsky swallows three in an act of pure defiance against his Nazi oppressors. The sole survivor of a mass murder, Karminsky grows to believe that his three little ‘amber tablets’ have magical powers that have not only save his life but affect the lives of those connected most closely with him.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p>Three tiny pieces of amber as small as medicinal tablets, one the colour of clear honey with a fly petrified at its centre; one dark as treacle toffee; and one delicately carved into the shape of an eagle’s talon. Inside the freezing Amber Room, 150 slave labourers, including Simeon Karminsky are tasked with dismantling the world-famous mosaic panels for shipment from Leningrad to the Baltic. While his fearful fellow labourers and their guards are mesmerised in horror as one of their number is lashed to death for trying to steal a single piece of the amber mosaic, Karminsky swallows three in an act of pure defiance against his Nazi oppressors. The sole survivor of a mass murder, Karminsky grows to believe that his three little ‘amber tablets’ have magical powers that have not only save his life but affect the lives of those connected most closely with him.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。

  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアStone Tablets【電子書籍】[ Wojciech Zukrowski ]
    Stone Tablets【電子書籍】[ Wojciech Zukrowski ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p><strong>“A novel of epic scope and ambition.”ーKirkus Reviews (starred review)</strong></p> <p><strong>An influential Polish classic celebrates 50 yearsーand its first English edition</strong></p> <p>As <em>Stone Tablets</em> opens, Istvan Terey, a poet and World War II veteran, is serving as cultural attach? with the Hungarian embassy in Delhi just a few months before his country is torn apart by the Hungarian Uprising of 1956. He is personable and popular with Indians and Europeans, communists and capitalists, but his outspoken criticisms of corruption in the Hungarian government and the embassy threaten to undermine his career. Meanwhile, he has fallen in love with Margit, an Australian ophthalmologist working in India, who is still living through a tragedy of her own: her fianc? died under torture during World War II.</p> <p>Draining heat, brilliant color, intense smells, and intrusive animals enliven this sweeping Cold War romance. Based on the author’s own experience as a Polish diplomat in India in the late 1950s, Stone Tablets was one of the first literary works in Poland to offer scathing criticisms of Stalinism, and was censored when it was first submitted for publication. Stephanie Kraft’s translation opens this book for the first time to English-speaking readers.</p> <p>“A high-paced, passionate narrative in which every detail is vital.”ーLeslaw Bartelski</p> <p>Zukrowski is “a brilliantly talented observer of life, a visionary skilled at combining the concrete with the magical, lyricism with realism…a distinguished stylist.”ーLeszek Zulinski</p> <p>“A romance fraught with personal and political risk is at the core of this historically important yet previously untranslated novel by a Polish diplomat stationed in India during the Cold War…inspired by the author’s own experiences, Zukrowski’s precise descriptions of India are memorable, and there is a certain throwback appeal to the depictions of diplomacy conducted through telegrams and glasses of whiskey. But it is Zukrowski’s trenchant critique of Stalinism and political message, bold for its time, that make this novel truly noteworthy.”ー<em>Booklist</em></p> <p><strong>Wojciech Zukrowski</strong> (1916?2000) was one of Poland’s best-known twentieth-century authors. A prolific novelist, screenwriter, and essayist, he was a war correspondent in Vietnam in the early 1950s, and worked at the embassy in New Delhi from 1956 to 1959. In 1996 Zukrowski won the Reymont Prize for lifetime literary achievement.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p><strong>“A novel of epic scope and ambition.”ーKirkus Reviews (starred review)</strong></p> <p><strong>An influential Polish classic celebrates 50 yearsーand its first English edition</strong></p> <p>As <em>Stone Tablets</em> opens, Istvan Terey, a poet and World War II veteran, is serving as cultural attach? with the Hungarian embassy in Delhi just a few months before his country is torn apart by the Hungarian Uprising of 1956. He is personable and popular with Indians and Europeans, communists and capitalists, but his outspoken criticisms of corruption in the Hungarian government and the embassy threaten to undermine his career. Meanwhile, he has fallen in love with Margit, an Australian ophthalmologist working in India, who is still living through a tragedy of her own: her fianc? died under torture during World War II.</p> <p>Draining heat, brilliant color, intense smells, and intrusive animals enliven this sweeping Cold War romance. Based on the author’s own experience as a Polish diplomat in India in the late 1950s, Stone Tablets was one of the first literary works in Poland to offer scathing criticisms of Stalinism, and was censored when it was first submitted for publication. Stephanie Kraft’s translation opens this book for the first time to English-speaking readers.</p> <p>“A high-paced, passionate narrative in which every detail is vital.”ーLeslaw Bartelski</p> <p>Zukrowski is “a brilliantly talented observer of life, a visionary skilled at combining the concrete with the magical, lyricism with realism…a distinguished stylist.”ーLeszek Zulinski</p> <p>“A romance fraught with personal and political risk is at the core of this historically important yet previously untranslated novel by a Polish diplomat stationed in India during the Cold War…inspired by the author’s own experiences, Zukrowski’s precise descriptions of India are memorable, and there is a certain throwback appeal to the depictions of diplomacy conducted through telegrams and glasses of whiskey. But it is Zukrowski’s trenchant critique of Stalinism and political message, bold for its time, that make this novel truly noteworthy.”ー<em>Booklist</em></p> <p><strong>Wojciech Zukrowski</strong> (1916?2000) was one of Poland’s best-known twentieth-century authors. A prolific novelist, screenwriter, and essayist, he was a war correspondent in Vietnam in the early 1950s, and worked at the embassy in New Delhi from 1956 to 1959. In 1996 Zukrowski won the Reymont Prize for lifetime literary achievement.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。

  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアBuckleitner's Guide to Using Tablets with Young Children【電子書籍】[ Warren Buckleitner, PhD ]
    Buckleitner's Guide to Using Tablets with Young Children【電子書籍】[ Warren Buckleitner, PhD ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Children’s technology guru Warren Buckleitner offers educators and families his expert advice in this valuable guide to making smart choices about technology and young children. <em>Buckleitner’s Guide to Using Tablets with Young Children</em> simplifies the shopping process, describes which apps are age appropriate, clarifies how to find educational apps on particular subjects, such as cars, geography, and music, and illustrates how the technology can be used in classroom settings. By reading this practical book, you’ll get answers to some important questions:</p> <ul> <li>Which features should I consider when buying a device for children?</li> <li>What is the best way to protect a tablet against a drop on the floor?</li> <li>What are the best apps to help a child become a reader, scientist, or artist?</li> <li>How do I protect children against inappropriate content and ads?</li> <li>How can I keep children engaged in developing digital skills?</li> </ul> <p>Whether at home, in care environments, or at school, using digital tablets with interactive apps can open children’s minds to their own capabilities and worlds of fun!</p> <p><em>Buckleitner’s Guide to Using Tablets with Young Children</em> has won the <a href="tillywig.com/Books-Magazines/Buckleitners-Guide-to-Using-Tablets-With-Young-Children"> Tillywig Awards Parents' Favorite Products Award</a>, <a href="www.nappaawards.com/single-post/2016/07/28/Buckleitners-Guide-to-Using-Tablets-with-Young-Children-by-Gryphon-House-Inc"> National Parenting Publications Awards</a>, <a href="store.momschoiceawards.com/index.php?entry_id=5641"> Mom's Choice Awards (Gold)</a>, and Creative Child Magazine, 2017 Seal of Excellence Award.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p>Children’s technology guru Warren Buckleitner offers educators and families his expert advice in this valuable guide to making smart choices about technology and young children. <em>Buckleitner’s Guide to Using Tablets with Young Children</em> simplifies the shopping process, describes which apps are age appropriate, clarifies how to find educational apps on particular subjects, such as cars, geography, and music, and illustrates how the technology can be used in classroom settings. By reading this practical book, you’ll get answers to some important questions:</p> <ul> <li>Which features should I consider when buying a device for children?</li> <li>What is the best way to protect a tablet against a drop on the floor?</li> <li>What are the best apps to help a child become a reader, scientist, or artist?</li> <li>How do I protect children against inappropriate content and ads?</li> <li>How can I keep children engaged in developing digital skills?</li> </ul> <p>Whether at home, in care environments, or at school, using digital tablets with interactive apps can open children’s minds to their own capabilities and worlds of fun!</p> <p><em>Buckleitner’s Guide to Using Tablets with Young Children</em> has won the <a href="tillywig.com/Books-Magazines/Buckleitners-Guide-to-Using-Tablets-With-Young-Children"> Tillywig Awards Parents' Favorite Products Award</a>, <a href="www.nappaawards.com/single-post/2016/07/28/Buckleitners-Guide-to-Using-Tablets-with-Young-Children-by-Gryphon-House-Inc"> National Parenting Publications Awards</a>, <a href="store.momschoiceawards.com/index.php?entry_id=5641"> Mom's Choice Awards (Gold)</a>, and Creative Child Magazine, 2017 Seal of Excellence Award.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。

  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア50 Digital Team-Building Games Fast, Fun Meeting Openers, Group Activities and Adventures using Social Media, Smart Phones, GPS, Tablets, and More【電子書籍】[ John Chen ]
    50 Digital Team-Building Games Fast, Fun Meeting Openers, Group Activities and Adventures using Social Media, Smart Phones, GPS, Tablets, and More【電子書籍】[ John Chen ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p><strong>Use technology to increase loyalty and productivity in your employees</strong></p> <p><em>50 Digital Team-Building Games</em> offers fun, energizing meeting openers, team activities, and group adventures for business teams, using Twitter, GPS, Facebook, smartphones, and other technology. The games can be played in-person or virtually, and range from 5-minute ice-breakers to an epic four-hour GPS-based adventure. Designed to be lead by managers, facilitators, presenters, and speakers, the activities help teams and groups get comfortable with technology, get to know each other better, build trust, improve communication, and more. No need to be a "techie" to lead these gamesーthey're simple and well-scripted.</p> <p>Author John Chen is the CEO of Geoteaming, a company that uses technology and adventure to teach teams how to collaborate.</p> <ul> <li>How to lead a simple, fast, fun team building activity with easy-to-follow instructions</li> <li>How to create successful "virtual" team building that requires NO travel and little to no additional expenses</li> <li>How to engage standoffish engineers, "hard to reach" technical teams, or Gen X/Y teammates with technology they enjoy using</li> </ul> <p>Successful technology-based team building can build buzz for your company, build critically important relationships and communication internally, and keep your team talking about it for weeks afterward!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p><strong>Use technology to increase loyalty and productivity in your employees</strong></p> <p><em>50 Digital Team-Building Games</em> offers fun, energizing meeting openers, team activities, and group adventures for business teams, using Twitter, GPS, Facebook, smartphones, and other technology. The games can be played in-person or virtually, and range from 5-minute ice-breakers to an epic four-hour GPS-based adventure. Designed to be lead by managers, facilitators, presenters, and speakers, the activities help teams and groups get comfortable with technology, get to know each other better, build trust, improve communication, and more. No need to be a "techie" to lead these gamesーthey're simple and well-scripted.</p> <p>Author John Chen is the CEO of Geoteaming, a company that uses technology and adventure to teach teams how to collaborate.</p> <ul> <li>How to lead a simple, fast, fun team building activity with easy-to-follow instructions</li> <li>How to create successful "virtual" team building that requires NO travel and little to no additional expenses</li> <li>How to engage standoffish engineers, "hard to reach" technical teams, or Gen X/Y teammates with technology they enjoy using</li> </ul> <p>Successful technology-based team building can build buzz for your company, build critically important relationships and communication internally, and keep your team talking about it for weeks afterward!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。

  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアEntertainment Apps on the Go with Windows 10 Music, Movies, and TV for PCs, Tablets, and Phones【電子書籍】[ Ian Dixon ]
    Entertainment Apps on the Go with Windows 10 Music, Movies, and TV for PCs, Tablets, and Phones【電子書籍】[ Ian Dixon ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>This book enables you to unleash the entertainment potential of your Windows 10 PC, tablet, or phoneーor any combination of the three! Learn how to stream movies and TV shows, manage your media collection, purchase new media, and upload your music collection to the cloud.</p> <p><strong>Ian Dixon</strong> and <strong>Garry Whittaker</strong> take the hassle out of managing and enjoying music, TV, and movies from your own collection and beyond. Whether you already have an extensive music and video collection, or are just getting started, this book will help you get the best entertainment from Windows.</p> <p>In this book, you will learn how to:</p> <ul> <li>Get started building your personal media cloud so you can access your music and videos from anywhere in the world and on any device</li> <li>Stream from thousands of radio stations to your Windows 10 phone, tablet, or laptop</li> <li>Find out what type of media files work with Windows 10</li> <li>Stream movies and TV shows from Netflix, and stream music to Windows, Android, and iOS devices</li> <li>Use Windows 10 to wirelessly access media stored on Windows 7, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 PCs around the home</li> <li>…and more!</li> </ul> <p><strong>Who This Book Is For</strong></p> <p>This book is for home users who are either new to Windows or upgrading from previous versions of the operating system and want to enjoy music, movies and TV shows on any Windows device.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p>This book enables you to unleash the entertainment potential of your Windows 10 PC, tablet, or phoneーor any combination of the three! Learn how to stream movies and TV shows, manage your media collection, purchase new media, and upload your music collection to the cloud.</p> <p><strong>Ian Dixon</strong> and <strong>Garry Whittaker</strong> take the hassle out of managing and enjoying music, TV, and movies from your own collection and beyond. Whether you already have an extensive music and video collection, or are just getting started, this book will help you get the best entertainment from Windows.</p> <p>In this book, you will learn how to:</p> <ul> <li>Get started building your personal media cloud so you can access your music and videos from anywhere in the world and on any device</li> <li>Stream from thousands of radio stations to your Windows 10 phone, tablet, or laptop</li> <li>Find out what type of media files work with Windows 10</li> <li>Stream movies and TV shows from Netflix, and stream music to Windows, Android, and iOS devices</li> <li>Use Windows 10 to wirelessly access media stored on Windows 7, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 PCs around the home</li> <li>…and more!</li> </ul> <p><strong>Who This Book Is For</strong></p> <p>This book is for home users who are either new to Windows or upgrading from previous versions of the operating system and want to enjoy music, movies and TV shows on any Windows device.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。

  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアBroken Tablets Levinas, Derrida, and the Literary Afterlife of Religion【電子書籍】[ Sarah Hammerschlag ]
    Broken Tablets Levinas, Derrida, and the Literary Afterlife of Religion【電子書籍】[ Sarah Hammerschlag ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Over a span of thirty years, twentieth-century French philosophers Emmanuel Levinas and Jacques Derrida held a conversation across texts. Sharing a Jewish heritage and a background in phenomenology, both came to situate their work at the margins of philosophy, articulating this placement through religion and literature. Chronicling the interactions between these thinkers, Sarah Hammerschlag argues that the stakes in their respective positions were more than philosophical. They were also political. Levinas's investments were born out in his writings on Judaism and ultimately in an evolving conviction that the young state of Israel held the best possibility for achieving such an ideal. For Derrida, the Jewish question was literary. The stakes of Jewish survival could only be approached through reflections on modern literature's religious legacy, a line of thinking that provided him the means to reconceive democracy. Hammerschlag's reexamination of Derrida and Levinas's textual exchange not only produces a new account of this friendship but also has significant ramifications for debates within Continental philosophy, the study of religion, and political theology.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p>Over a span of thirty years, twentieth-century French philosophers Emmanuel Levinas and Jacques Derrida held a conversation across texts. Sharing a Jewish heritage and a background in phenomenology, both came to situate their work at the margins of philosophy, articulating this placement through religion and literature. Chronicling the interactions between these thinkers, Sarah Hammerschlag argues that the stakes in their respective positions were more than philosophical. They were also political. Levinas's investments were born out in his writings on Judaism and ultimately in an evolving conviction that the young state of Israel held the best possibility for achieving such an ideal. For Derrida, the Jewish question was literary. The stakes of Jewish survival could only be approached through reflections on modern literature's religious legacy, a line of thinking that provided him the means to reconceive democracy. Hammerschlag's reexamination of Derrida and Levinas's textual exchange not only produces a new account of this friendship but also has significant ramifications for debates within Continental philosophy, the study of religion, and political theology.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。

  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアPersonalisiertes Dialogmarketing per Augmented-Reality-App. Entwicklung eines Prototyps f?r Smartphones und Tablets mit Natural-Feature-Tracking-Toolkits【電子書籍】[ Oliver Ebert ]
    Personalisiertes Dialogmarketing per Augmented-Reality-App. Entwicklung eines Prototyps f?r Smartphones und Tablets mit Natural-Feature-Tracking-Toolkits【電子書籍】[ Oliver Ebert ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Diplomarbeit aus dem Jahr 2012 im Fachbereich Informatik - Sonstiges, Note: 1,0, Hochschule f?r Technik und Wirtschaft Dresden (Fakult?t Informatik/Mathematik), Veranstaltung: Medieninformatik, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Auszug Einleitung: Der Aufbau der folgenden Arbeit gliedert sich in einen theoretischen und einen praktischen Abschnitt. In einem theoretischen Teil werden historische Meilensteine der AR-Entwicklung aufgezeigt und es wird untersucht welche mobilen Ger?te und Betriebssysteme f?r die Vision-basierte Augmented Reality Entwicklung in Frage kommen. Anhand von Beispielen aus der Praxis werden m?gliche Anwendungsgebiete aufgezeigt. Danach werden verschiedene Entwicklungsm?glichkeiten erl?utert. Zum einen werden die verschiedenen AR-Browser und verschiedene Toolkits, die Natural Feature Tracking (NFT) beherrschen, miteinander verglichen und zum anderen werden die Vor- und Nachteile der beiden Entwicklungswege gegeneinander abgewogen.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p>Diplomarbeit aus dem Jahr 2012 im Fachbereich Informatik - Sonstiges, Note: 1,0, Hochschule f?r Technik und Wirtschaft Dresden (Fakult?t Informatik/Mathematik), Veranstaltung: Medieninformatik, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Auszug Einleitung: Der Aufbau der folgenden Arbeit gliedert sich in einen theoretischen und einen praktischen Abschnitt. In einem theoretischen Teil werden historische Meilensteine der AR-Entwicklung aufgezeigt und es wird untersucht welche mobilen Ger?te und Betriebssysteme f?r die Vision-basierte Augmented Reality Entwicklung in Frage kommen. Anhand von Beispielen aus der Praxis werden m?gliche Anwendungsgebiete aufgezeigt. Danach werden verschiedene Entwicklungsm?glichkeiten erl?utert. Zum einen werden die verschiedenen AR-Browser und verschiedene Toolkits, die Natural Feature Tracking (NFT) beherrschen, miteinander verglichen und zum anderen werden die Vor- und Nachteile der beiden Entwicklungswege gegeneinander abgewogen.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。

  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアLeistungseffekte beim verschachtelten und geblockten Lernen mittels Lernvideos auf Tablets Eine empirische Untersuchung an Sch?lerinnen und Sch?lern der f?nften Jahrgangsstufe【電子書籍】[ Maria Afrooz ]
    Leistungseffekte beim verschachtelten und geblockten Lernen mittels Lernvideos auf Tablets Eine empirische Untersuchung an Sch?lerinnen und Sch?lern der f?nften Jahrgangsstufe【電子書籍】[ Maria Afrooz ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Ausl?ser der vorliegenden Forschungsstudie sind die Aktualit?t des Forschungsthemas sowie die mangelnden empirischen Untersuchungen im Mathematikunterricht und im Zusammenhang mit digitalen Medien: Das verschachtelte Lernen als ein neuer, kognitionspsychologischer Forschungsansatz in der Mathematikdidaktik erschwert kurzfristig das Lernen, f?hrt jedoch langfristig zu besseren Leistungen der Lernenden. Die innovative Studie vereint den Ansatz des verschachtelten Lernens mit den selbst entwickelten Lernvideos, welche optimal im Mathematikunterricht integriert werden k?nnen.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p>Ausl?ser der vorliegenden Forschungsstudie sind die Aktualit?t des Forschungsthemas sowie die mangelnden empirischen Untersuchungen im Mathematikunterricht und im Zusammenhang mit digitalen Medien: Das verschachtelte Lernen als ein neuer, kognitionspsychologischer Forschungsansatz in der Mathematikdidaktik erschwert kurzfristig das Lernen, f?hrt jedoch langfristig zu besseren Leistungen der Lernenden. Die innovative Studie vereint den Ansatz des verschachtelten Lernens mit den selbst entwickelten Lernvideos, welche optimal im Mathematikunterricht integriert werden k?nnen.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。
